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Long-Term Disability

Long Term Disability insurance is designed to provide you with continuing monthly income during an extended period of time while you are out of work due to an illness or accident. Eligible employees can enroll within 60 days of initial hire (without medical underwriting) or during the Annual enrollment period in March (subject to medical underwriting). Coverage is effective April 1 during annual enrollment. 

Coverage Options

Options Maximum Benefit Minimum Benefit Requirements
60% of monthly earnings, 90-day Elimination Period Option $10,000 per month Greater of $100 or 10% of gross benefit Apply by answering just five health questions.
60% of monthly earnings, 365-day Elimination Period Option $10,000 per month Greater of $100 or 10% of gross benefit No health questions are required.

Cost of Coverage

  • Cost is based on the LTD coverage option you elect and your age.
  • Monthly Cost per $100 of covered monthly earnings

90-day Elimination Period Option

Age Band <25 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70+
Cost $.05 $.07 $.10 $.18 $.26 $.44 $.73 $.68 $.60 $.41 $.28

365-day Elimination Period Option

Age Band <25 25 – 29 30 – 34 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70+
Cost $.045 $.05 $.08 $.14 $.22 $.37 $.59 $.55 $.49 $.32 $.23

Additional Plan Benefits

When you are ill or injured for a long time, MetLife believes you need more than a supplement to your income. That’s why we offer return to work services and financial incentives to help you get the maximum benefits from your coverage. We also offer assistance in obtaining Social Security Disability benefits.

  • Nurse Consultant or Case Manager Services
    Specialists who personally contact you, your physician and your employer to coordinate an early return-to-work plan when appropriate.
  • Vocational Analysis
    Help with identifying job requirements and determining how your skills can be applied to a new or modified job with your employer.
  • Job Modifications/Accommodations
    Recommending adjustments (e.g., redesign of work station tools) that enable you to return to your previous job or a similar one.
  • Retraining
    Development programs to help you return to your previous job or educate you for a new one.
  • Financial Incentives
    Allow employees to receive Disability benefits or partial benefits while attempting to return to work.
  • The Services of Social Security Specialists
    Once you are approved for Long Term Disability benefits, MetLife can help you obtain Social Security Disability benefits. Our specialists can guide you through the initial application and appeals processes and may also help you access assistance from attorneys or vendors to pursue Social Security benefits.


Generally, you are considered disabled and eligible for Long Term benefits if, due to sickness, pregnancy or accidental injury, you are receiving appropriate care and treatment and complying with the requirements of treatment and you are unable to earn more than 80% of your predisability earnings at your own occupation for any employer in your national economy.

Benefits begin after the end of the elimination period. The elimination period begins on the day you become disabled and is the length of time you must wait while being disabled before you are eligible to receive a benefit. Your elimination period for Long Term Disability is 90 days or 365 days, depending on the plan you choose. Your plan’s maximum benefit period and any specific limitations are described in the Certificate of Insurance found on


Yes, as long as you are disabled and meet the terms of your Disability plan, you may qualify for adjusted Disability benefits.

Yes. For the first 12 months following the effective date of your coverage, your plan may not cover a sickness or accidental injury that arose in the 3 months prior to your participation in the plan. A complete description of the pre-existing condition exclusion is included in the Certificate of Insurance found on or contact your MetLife benefits administrator with any questions.

Yes. Long Term Disability insurance does not cover any disability which results from or is caused or contributed to by:

  • War, whether declared or undeclared, or act of war, insurrection, rebellion
  • Intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide;
  • Commission of or attempt to commit a felony;

Additionally, no payment will be made for a disability caused or contributed to by any injury or sickness for which you are entitled to benefits under Workers’ Compensation or a similar law.

Other limitations or exclusions to your coverage may apply. Please review your Certificate of Insurance found on for specific details or contact your benefits administrator with any questions.

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