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Planning to Retire

Retirement is a life milestone.  If you are thinking about retiring in the next 12 months, schedule a consultation with your Benefits Counselor and register for a pre-retirement webinar.

Recent News - Retiree Prescription Changes

State Pension Pre-Retirement Webinars/ Seminars

General Overview (online only)

Pre-Retirement Planning webinar providing a general overview of Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (MSRPS) benefits – including a general description of retirement eligibility and benefits provided by the MSRPS for members of the Employees, Teachers and Correctional Officers Retirement Systems.

Detailed Sessions (online and in-person options)

Pre-Retirement Planning training events are currently being offered both as in-person seminars and as webinars. The same topics will be covered in both formats: MD State Pension, Legal Issues, Social Security Benefits, and Supplemental Retirement Plans. Once registered, participants will receive instructions specific to the event they are enrolled in. For online events this will include a link to join the event and for in-person events this will include site specific COVID safety protocols.

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