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Family Care

Being a working caregiver is challenging! Each employee’s situation is unique, but some of the most common challenges include:

  • Arranging quality childcare
  • Supervising (or arranging for someone to supervise) children or dependents’ remote learning while handling responsibilities at work – whether working on campus or remotely
  • Caring for aging family members, either locally or from a long distance
  • Managing care for younger children and aging parents/family members simultaneously 

Mercedes Lindsay

The University of Maryland is committed to supporting caregivers and families. This webpage is intended to serve as a one-stop resource for employees who need help with their caregiving responsibilities.

UHR Family Care Power Hour FAQs

What is Care@Work? Care@Work by is an employee benefit that helps you manage your family care needs while balancing work. The major components of Care@Work include: Premium Membership – Access to the largest online community for care. Child, senior, pet, home – all care in one place! Ability to self-search through screened providers or post a job for planned care needs. Ability to connect with other care-seekers looking for shared-care arrangements. Backup Care – Subsidized and vetted care for children and adults available 24/7/365 when regular, planned care is not available. Backup Care can be used for children (in-home or in-center) or adults/elders (in-home only). Tuition Discount – Part-time and full-time recurring discount at participating childcare centers across the U.S.
Who is eligible Regular Faculty and Staff, Contingent II, and Graduate Assistants have access to Care@Work.
How much is it? The monthly premium membership fee is paid for by the University. Backup Care is subsidized by the University, with rates dependent on annual salary. Rates for regular child, senior, pet, and home care are paid by the employee/individual.
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UMD Child Development Center

The University Child Development Center is a partnership between the University of Maryland and Bright Horizons, and provides early education, for infants through preschool, to children and dependents of UMD employees, students, and College Park residents.

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Center for Young Children

The Center for Young Children (CYC) is an early childhood development center dedicated to providing an exemplary early childhood program and committed to fostering the continued growth and development of each child on a cognitive, physical, emotional, and social level. 

As  an inclusive laboratory and demonstration school at the University of Maryland, CYC’s mission is to:

  • Educate and care for young children in a developmentally appropriate manner;
  • Prepare and train university students for careers in education and other related professions focused on children; 
  • Support and facilitate research on child development by serving as a research and observation facility.
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The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only. The University of Maryland does not endorse or represent any resources listed as recommended by the University.

UMD Parents Google GroupPrivate Google group for UMD students, faculty and staff who are parents and caregivers.
Students with KidsGroup for UMD grad students with children in their care (Facebook group).
UMD Babysitters and Local Parents of LittlesPrivate Facebook group comprising local babysitters and parents who need babysitters.
Washington DC Area Homeschool/Playgroup PodsPrivate Facebook group to help families in the DC region to form and run parent-led homeschool co-ops or to share homeschooling resources. Families can use this group to connect to others nearby and to share ideas, resources and experiences across groups/families.
Route 1 MomsPrivate Facebook group for parents in the College Park area to connect, receive support, offer advice, and vent.

Lactation Rooms 

Recognizing the important physical and emotional benefits to children of breastfeeding, as well as the evidence that returning to work is a barrier to continued breastfeeding, the University of Maryland has created several locations on campus for those who are nursing to pump milk or breastfeed. Locations have restricted access and are open to students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

The Pump Act provides workers (up to one year after their child’s birth) with:

  • The right to reasonable break time, and
  • A private space to pump breast milk during the workday
Lactation Room Logo

The UMD Campus Map lists campus lactation rooms. Click the lactation room icon on the map for additional information about that specific location.

Changing Stations 

The following is a list of changing stations on campus: 

Stamp Student UnionChanging stations are available in both men’s and women’s bathrooms on the ground floor next to the Chevy Chase Bank.
Campus Recreation ServicesThe CRS has a private family dressing room (including a changing station) located on the pool level next to the men’s locker room.
Benjamin BuildingStations are located in the ground floor men’s restroom, first floor women’s restroom, Lactation Room (1216), and fourth floor gender-neutral restroom (4108).
Van Munching HallThe UMD Business School in Van Munching Hall has changing stations in both men’s and women’s bathrooms on the first floor of its new wing.
Health CenterChanging stations available in both men’s and women’s bathrooms.

The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only. The University of Maryland does not endorse or represent any resources listed as recommended by the University.

Caregiver Information

Maryland Access Point (MAP)A statewide resource for information and assistance about long-term services and support, particularly for older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Eldercare LocatorA public service resource through the U.S. Administration on Aging.
Daughterhood.orgResources and information to help individuals who are caring for aging parents/relatives.
Aging Life Care AssociationA holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing ongoing health challenges. Working with families, Aging Life Care Professionals provide expertise and answers at a time of uncertainty.
The Alzheimer’s Association of National Capital AreaThe Alzheimer’s Association leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Caregiver Action NetworkA leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the challenges of old age.
National Institute on AgingOne of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, the National Institute on Aging leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.
Elder Care Google GroupAn online discussion group for those in the UMD community who are caring for or preparing to care for their senior relatives and loved ones.


County Resources

  • Prince George’s County Administration on Aging: 301-265-8450
  • Anne Arundel County Administration on Aging: 410-222-4464
  • Montgomery County Aging and Disability Resource Unit: 240-777-3000
  • Howard County Office on Aging: 410-313-5980
  • Frederick County: 301-600-1605

Housing/Home Care Services

Financial Material

Long-Term Care Insurance policies cover home care and facility costs, as well as Geriatric Care Management services.

Legal Material

The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only. The University of Maryland does not endorse or represent any resources listed as recommended by the University.

On Campus

Family Room and KitsThe University Libraries’ Family Study Room is located on the third floor of McKeldin. With enough space to fit 6 people, it includes flexible furniture and kid-sized furniture, two public workstations, and kids’ books, toys, coloring books, crafts, puzzles, and more.
Language-Learning Early Advantage Program (LEAP)UMD preschool program for children with speech/language conditions.


QuadJobsAre you Faculty/Staff seeking assistance with childcare, virtual learning support, or other part-time temporary roles? QuadJobs will allow you to post these roles. Create a profile and search for qualified candidates. You can post free of charge using the code “umdfaculty.” We encourage you to list “UMD Faculty/Staff” in the title of your postings to help students identify them.
Locate:ChildcareA free and confidential referral service affiliated with all of Maryland’s regulated child care providers that will help you find the best child care for your family.
OutschoolOnline classes for children (cost)
Maryland Child Care Scholarship Program (CCS)Maryland State Department of Education resource which awards eligible families with financial assistance for child care costs (eligibility requirements are based on family size and income).

Work-Life Balance & Managing Family Stress

  • Center for Healthy Families: The Center offers therapy services for individuals, couples and families, on a sliding fee scale. It is open to UMD and residents of MD. Currently, all services are provided through tele-therapy by therapist-interns (M.S. graduate students) from the Couple and Family Therapy program, Dept. of Family Science in the School of Public Health.

For detailed information or questions about any of the policies below, please contact the appropriate office as indicated.

For Faculty and Staff

For questions, contact:

UHR Leave Management team (

Paid Leave

Parental Leave

For Students

For questions, contact the Graduate School at

Recognizing the need to provide more options for family support, childcare and eldercare services, Dr. Pines convened the Caregiver Options Workgroup in late Fall 2020 to provide recommendations for interventions to help ease the challenges working caregivers face. The Workgroup reviewed existing resources and data, conducted a needs assessment survey, reviewed information from peer institutions, and explored additional benefits that the University could provide to working caregivers. As a result of the Workgroup’s efforts, the University will offer new benefits to employees, has launched this comprehensive webpage, and has created a new position in UHR to serve as program manager of family care resources.


  • Rythee Lambert Jones (Chair), University Human Resources
  • Yi Ting Huang, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
  • Sofia Maurette, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Ellin Scholnick, President’s Commission on Women’s Issues
  • Linda Steiner, ADVANCE
  • Brooke Supple, Division of Student Affairs
  • Sarah Tahamont, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Kanitta Tonggarwee, Office of the President

The University of Maryland and the City of College Park designed and launched College Park Academy (CPA) is a rigorous 6th-12th grade college prep public charter school located in College Park, Maryland. Nearly ten years after its opening, CPA’s test scores and attendance rates are among the highest in Maryland. Its close partnership with the University of Maryland means that UMD faculty, staff and students infuse CPA with academic rigor, from Education and Computer Science to Engineering, Public Health, and Arts and Humanities. CPA graduates, many of whom have earned college credit during their high school career at CPA, are accepted into top colleges and universities.

Born out of CPA’s success online during the pandemic, College Park Academy at Home (CPA@Home) is now open. Through a completely online educational experience, CPA@Home provides the same high standards, student-centered curriculum, culture, partnership with the University of Maryland, and educational model that has made CPA one of the most successful charter schools in Maryland

CPA@Home offers:

  • 13 AP courses, 4 World Language courses
  • UMD college credit courses
  • Learning at any time, from home or anywhere
  • Personal learning coaches to help each student succeed
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