What do you think of when you hear the words professional development?
Classes taught by industry experts? Attending a conference with colleagues from across the globe?
I bet you never thought about that article in that trade publication that gave you the idea that has improved your quality of work.
Professional development is more than classes and conferences. Indeed defines professional development as “improving yourself through learning and training to advance your career.” Whereas, Business News Daily describes professional development as, “the ongoing process of improving one’s skills and knowledge to better perform in their existing role or to attain the skills needed to perform at a high level in a new role.” Essentially, anything that you do that improves your skills or quality of work can be considered professional development. So listen to that podcast! Read that trade magazine! Study at YouTube U, and put that new knowledge or improved skill set into action!
Check back each month as we highlight departments or resources offering professional development opportunities for UMD employees.