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Summer Pay Appointment

PHR Summer School Appointments

Summer School appointments are those appointments that are funded through Summer School (EXST).  This appointment type is only available to the EXST unit, and select other campus units. These types of appointments can apply to faculty, graduate assistants, or students. If the employee is going to receive summer school salary (via an EXST account number), you must ask the following questions:

  1. Is the employee a 22 pay employee being paid for summer salary through an EXST account? If yes, then EXST will create the summer school appointment. If the employee is new to the campus (not in PHR currently) or re-employed from a previous year the employing unit is responsible for creating the EMPLOYEE DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ONLY including updated education information and an I-9 record in the campus I-9 system.  If your answer to this question is no, continue to question two.
  2. Is the employee a 12 month employee being paid for a summer TEACHING/NON TEACHING OVERLOAD through an EXST account? If yes, then EXST will create the summer overload appointment. If no, continue to question three.
  3. Is the employee a student employee being paid summer salary through an EXST account? If yes, then EXST will create the summer school appointment. EXST will ensure that these student appointments are built to facilitate the sign off of the student time records by the appropriate UNIT supervisor. EXST should request the name of the unit and work group from the student’s employing unit. If the answer to question three is no, then the student is being appointed to work for the summer and is being paid from the unit’s own funds then the PHR creator should create the hourly summer appointment.

PHR Summer Research Appointments

Summer Research appointments should be created for those 9/9.5 month employees that are supplementing their academic year salary with available research funds. Summer research appointments are separate from the employee’s existing PHR appointment.  This appointment type is available to all units. Summer research appointments can only be paid to the employee from pay period 26-6/05/2022 through pay period 3 end date of 7/30/2022.

The Provost’s Office has requested that summer research appointments with any funding other than sponsored sources be documented in the Summer Research Tracking application before the appointment is created in PHR. After faculty create a summer research proposal in the system, the chair is notified to review and approve. After the chair has approved the proposal, the PHR appointment can be created, including notes generated automatically by the Summer Research Tracking application. Within thirty days of the conclusion of the summer appointment, the faculty member is responsible for submitting a report of the work completed. This report must also be approved by the chair.

If you need access to the system, please contact your college budget officer or other college manager to be added. Current system users are all those who use the APA Web Application (for faculty promotion and awards), and all those who were in the Summer Research Tracking application last year. If you need to have users removed, please email Rebecca Follman ( If you have questions about using the application, please contact the system administrator, using the link on the Help menu. If you encounter errors in using the system, please email Rebecca Follman as soon as possible.

To create and release a summer research appointment, the PHR creator should;

  1. Access the employee record in PHR and select Add New Appointment
  2. From the “Appointment Type Selection List” choose “Summer Salary” under the “Miscellaneous” category (this is found on the bottom left hand corner of the Appointment Type Selection screen)
  3. From the “Appointment Information-Summer” page you may change the defaulted “Category Status” (which is based upon the employee’s regular appointment) to a category that best matches the summer assignment.
  4. Select the “Appointment Type and Payment” of “Summer Research”
  5. You may also change the defaulted summer appointment “Title” (faculty titles only) to reflect a title which better matches the summer assignment
  6. Click the I9 field to “Yes”
  7. Click “Save”. The system will automatically refresh to the “Summer Salary Worksheet”***Note*** Appointment start and end dates will be automatically populated with the pay period start date 06/05/2022 and the pay period end date 07/30/2022.
  8. From the “Summer Salary Worksheet”, the employee’s current fiscal year salary will default but can be changed to the employee’s next fiscal year salary if appropriate. Next, select the appropriate pay factor as it pertains to the employee’s regular appointment and click “Calculate Max Summer Salary”. The maximum amount the employee can earn for the summer will be displayed on the page.
  9. Enter the appropriate summer salary if less than the calculated summer salary and click “Calculate Summer Bi- Weekly/Update”. The system then displays the “Summer Bi-Weekly” to be paid for each of the four summer pay periods.
  10. Click “Add/View Summer Work Details” from the “Appointment Information” page any employee who is paid Summer Research salary and has any portion of that salary funded by any source other than sponsored sources. Copy and paste a description of the research project, or proposal, and the official’s name and date of the approval for the proposal. The notes area can accommodate up to several hundred characters of text.
  11. Click “Summer Funding Source” and enter the appropriate account(s) and percent of pay to charge for the summer bi-weekly amount. NO account effective/expiration dates are required.
  12. Click “Save”
  13. Click “Release Appointment for Approval” or add appropriate “Supervisor of Work Group” or “Security Access” records to the summer appointment record prior to release.

**Note** to terminate a Summer Research appointment prior to the end date of 7/30/2022, the PHR creator should access the summer appointment in PHR, change the termination date, and release the transaction for approval.

PHR Summer Pay Appointments

Summer Pay appointments should be created for those 9/9.5 month employees that are supplementing their current fiscal year salary for performing designated administrative tasks for the summer pay periods. Summer pay appointments are separate from the employee’s existing PHR appointment. This appointment type is available to all units. Summer pay appointments, like summer research appointments, can be paid to the employee from pay period 26-6/05/2022 through the pay period 3 end date of 7/30/2022, or less. To create and release a summer pay appointment, the PHR creator should:

  1. Access the employee record in PHR
  2. From the “Appointment Type Selection List” choose “Summer Salary” under the “Miscellaneous” category
  3. From the “Appointment Information-Summer” page you may change the defaulted “Category Status” (which is based upon the employee’s regular appointment) to a category that best matches the summer assignment
  4. Select the “Appointment Type and Payment” of “Summer Pay”
  5. You may also change the defaulted summer appointment “Title” (faculty titles only) to reflect a title which better matches the summer assignment.
  6. Click the I9 field to “Yes”
  7. Click “Save”. The system will automatically refresh to the “Summer Salary Worksheet” ***Note*** Appointment start and end dates will be automatically populated with 06/05/2022-07/30/2022.
  8. From the “Summer Salary Worksheet” the employee’s current fiscal year salary is defaulted and cannot be changed. Select the appropriate pay factor as it pertains to the employee’s regular appointment and click “Calculate Max Summer Salary”. The maximum amount the employee can earn for the summer will be displayed on the page.
  9. Enter the appropriate summer salary and click “Calculate Summer Bi-Weekly/Update”. The system then displays the “Summer Bi-Weekly” to be paid for each of the four summer pay periods.
  10. Click “Summer Funding Source” and enter the appropriate account(s) and percent of pay to charge for the summer bi-weekly amount. NO account effective/expiration dates are required.
  11. Click “Save”
  12. Click “Release Appointment for Approval” or add appropriate “Supervisor of Work Group” or “Security Access” records to the summer appointment record prior to release.

**Note** To terminate a Summer Pay appointment prior to the end date of 7/30/2022, the PHR creator should access the summer appointment in PHR, re-populate the terminate date, and release the transaction for approval.

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