PRD End-of-Cycle Review
The Performance Review and Development (PRD) process is moving to Workday. Beginning spring 2025, all employees and managers will complete their performance review process digitally via Workday. No more paper!
At the end of the review cycle, the supervisor and employee discuss the employee’s performance throughout the entire review period.
The supervisor has gathered information and documentation and evaluated the employee on each of the performance expectations that have been set at the Expectation-Setting meeting, or any that were added or amended throughout the review period. The supervisor will rate the employee’s performance as either “Outstanding,” “Exceeds Expectations,” “Meets Expectations,” “Below Expectations,” or “Unsatisfactory” on each of the expectations.
Prior to participating in the final Performance Review, the employee should complete a formal Self-Assessment of their performance throughout the review period. This Self-Assessment shall be discussed by the employee and supervisor during the final Performance Review. (The Self-Assessment is not to be kept as part of the official employee file. It is for discussion purposes only and part of the employee’s own records.)
After completing discussion of each performance expectation on the Performance Review and the Self-Assessment, the supervisor shall assign an overall rating to the employee’s cumulative performance throughout the review cycle. The determination of the overall rating shall be consistent with the rating scale defined on the PRD form. Exempt and non-exempt employees receive salary action based upon the overall rating on the PRD form and as defined by the current pay policies for the exempt or non-exempt class.
Once each performance area has been evaluated and an overall rating assigned, the supervisor and employee should discuss the last page of the form, Development Plans. The supervisor and employee should review the ratings of the performance expectations to identify major strengths, areas for improvement, action plans, and training and development plans. The supervisor and employee should develop review cycle to enhance or improve the employee’s skills. Particular focus should be given to those areas that were identified as “Below Expectations” or “Unsatisfactory” to assure that those performance areas are strengthened and that a process for helping the employee to develop and be trained is set in motion.
As a final step in the review, the supervisor and employee indicate whether they are in agreement with the individual ratings and/or overall rating. Major areas of disagreement, if relevant, should be noted on the form. The form is then signed to acknowledge that the Performance Review was held.
After the review is completed, the supervisor and employee should conduct a review cycle for the upcoming review period. In establishing performance expectations for the upcoming cycle the supervisor and employee should ensure that the standards of performance are congruous with previous expectations. In addition, new development plans, consistent with the development plans determined at the previous Performance Review, should be established at the onset of the new review cycle.