Check List for Pay Band 1 | 2 Postings
For Exempt Pay Band 1 & 2 Postings, where Search Committee’s are not required, the Hiring Official will evaluate the applicants credentials, select a diverse pool of finalists, conduct interviews and select a candidate for hire.
Creating a New Exempt Position
Log in at http://ejobs.umd.edu/hr using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in the Position Management Module and your user Role is Creator.
Creating an Exempt Posting
Log in at http://ejobs.umd.edu/hr using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in Applicant Tracking and your user Role is Creator.
Creating Exempt Postings for Pay Band 1 | 2 No Search Committee
Log in at http://ejobs.umd.edu/hr using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in Applicant Tracking and your user Role is Creator.
Modifying an Existing Exempt Position
Log in at http://ejobs.umd.edu/hr using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in the Position Management Module and your user Role is Creator.
Reclassifying an Exempt Position to Nonexempt or Faculty
To reclassify an existing Exempt position to either Nonexempt or Faculty follow the instructions below for creating a new position:
Log in at http://ejobs.umd.edu/hr using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in the Position Management Module and your user Role is Creator.
Waiver of Search for Exempt
A Waiver of Search for Exempt positions can be requested when creating a new position or modifying an existing position. Following the instructions for Creating a New Position or Modifying an Existing Position.