Cloning an Existing Position
Cloning can be used when you want to create a new position that will copy in all the same information from an existing position description. To use the Cloning feature in eTerp follow the instructions below:
Creating an Hourly/GA/Pooled Position Posting
Log in at using your Directory ID and Password and verify you are in Applicant Tracking and your user Role is Creator.
Creating and Seating a Hiring Proposal
The Creator and the Hiring Official have the ability to create a Hiring Proposal for any applicant in the posting with the status of Recommend for Hire. A hiring proposal must be created, approved, and seated before a posting can be designated as filled.
Designating a Posting as Filled
The final step of the search process is to designate the posting as filled. When the search has completed and the selected candidate(s) hired, the posting should be sent to the Creator to designate as filled.
Designating a Posting as Filled
Emailing Applicants
After the initial review those applicants who are no longer under consideration should be notified of their status as soon as possible.
For nonexempt and exempt applicants that have a status of Does Not Meet Minimum Qualifications a system generated email will be sent automatically notifying them they are no longer under consideration.
Reviewing and Approving Exempt and Faculty Postings
The posting begins with the Creator who moves the posting forward in the workflow for approval. The Hiring Official and the Search Chair both have the ability to edit the Search and Selection Plan. The Chair/Dept Approver, Dean/VP Approver, and Provost/President Approver do not have the ability to edit a posting.
Search Chair Checklist
For postings using a Search Committee the Search Chair is responsible for changing the applicant statuses and sending finalists forward to Equity. Upon Equity approval the finalists will be sent to the Hiring Official.
Using the Online Reference Feature
Postings can be configured to solicit confidential letters of references for applicants by using the Online Reference feature. When creating the posting the Creator, Hiring Official or Search Chair have the ability to indicate if the posting will use the Online Reference Feature. Only one type of references should be used in the posting.
Viewing Applicants – Changing Statuses
The following User Roles have access to view the applicants and their associated documents:
- Hiring Official
- Search Chair/Designee
- Search Committee Members
- Equity Administrators
- Guest Users (issued the Guest User Login)
Writing a Position Description
A position description represents a job within your college/division, whether it is filled or vacant. Each position description exists within a nonexempt or exempt position and is associated with a title.