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Waiver of Search for Exempt

A Waiver of Search for Exempt positions can be requested when creating a new position or modifying an existing position.  Following the instructions for Creating a New Position or Modifying an Existing Position.


  • Select Exempt by hovering over Positions on the main menu.
  • Select Create New Position or Search for the position  by entering the position number
  • On the Position Description tab the Creator will indicate the action is a Waiver of Search by selecting Yes, then click Next until you reach the Waiver of Search Information tab
  • Complete all information fields on the Waiver of Search Information tab and click Next
  • On the Supplemental Documents tab a resume for the applicant and a Justification for the Waiver of Search must be attached.  When all documentation is uploaded click Next
  • On the Action Summary tab verify all information has been included and select Take Action on Action to move the request forward for approval

Hiring Official

  • The Hiring Official should review for accuracy and make any necessary changes.  Once completed the Hiring Official will Take Action on Action and forward the request to the Equity Administrator (Send to Equity Administrator)

Equity Administrator

  • The Equity Administrator will review the request and if approved will Take Action on Action and forward the request to the Chair/Dept Approver (or the Dean/VP Approver if the Hiring Official and Chair/Dept Approver are the same)
  • Once approved the Creator will receive the email stating the position has been approved.  UHR will then seat the employee on the position in eTerp2 (eliminating the need for the quicklink)

Dean/VP Approver

  • The Dean/VP Approver will review the request and if approved will Take Action on Action and forward the request to UHR
  • Once approved the Creator will receive the email stating the position has been approved.  UHR will then seat the employee on the position in eTerp2 (eliminating the need for the quicklink)
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