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Position Management

PHR Position Management & Employment Categories

The purpose of Position Management is to establish and maintain positions in a single-source system which supports several PHR modules, as well as other university systems such as the University’s Budget Management System (BPM).

  • Each position is assigned a Position Number (Pos Num) which is the link between these system components.
  • Every appointment in PHR is then associated with a position number.
  • Each position record includes information specific to that position such as the university department, Title, Pay Level and Employment Category Status.
  • Positions are set up within employment categories. The employment category determines the type of position that is established and the campus administrative office responsible for its set up.
  • “Individual” and “pooled” positions are already created in the Position Management Table for use by the entire campus.

Listed below are the employment categories used by the PHR system.

Category Code Employment Category Position Type
01 Faculty Tenured Individual
02 Faculty Non-Tenured, on Track Individual
03 Faculty Non-Tenured, Term Contract Pooled
04 Graduate Assistant Pooled
05 Fellow Not in PHR
14 Student Hourly, UG Not in PM Table
15 Faculty Non-Tenured, Continuing Contract Individual
16 Student Hourly, Grad Not in PM Table
19 Trainee Pooled
20 Nonexempt, Regular Individual
22 Nonexempt, Contingent 2 Individual
25 Faculty, Contractual Individual
31 Nonexempt, Contingent 1 Not in PM Table
33 Exempt, Regular Individual
34 Exempt Contingent 1 Not in PM Table
35 Exempt Contingent 2 Individual
36 Faculty Hourly Not in PM Table
37 Faculty, Non-regular, Non-tenured Pooled

**Individual or pooled numbers will not be created for the following employment categories:  Undergraduate Student Hourly, Graduate Student Hourly, Nonexempt Contingent 1, Exempt Contingent 1, and Hourly Faculty.  Within PHR, employees will be appointed to these positions by selecting the appropriate position title from a drop down box of available titles.

Establishing and Maintaining Positions

The following procedures detail how departments establish and maintain positions that are held in the Position Management (PM) Table for use with PHR & the Budget Preparation & Maintenance (BPM) System.


University Human Resources maintains the position management table for all non-exempt regular, exempt regular and Contingent 2 employees.  University Human Resources will update position management table to reflect on-going changes such as reclassifications, etc.

An individual position number is required for all regular exempt/non-exempt positions.  In order to establish a regular Exempt or Non-Exempt position the department should initiate a new Position Description Form through the eTerp system.

TO RECLASSIFY A REGULAR EXEMPT/NON EXEMPT  POSITION begin the action in the eTerp system.   Once approved by UHR, the PHR creator can reappoint the employee to the reclassified position in PHR.


An individual position number is required for all Contingent 2 positions.  Contingent 2 positions are maintained differently from Regular positions in the Position Management Table. With C2s, the Position Number will stay with the PERSON in the position.  The position number is assigned once the department submits the Contingent II Exempt or Non Exempt position for posting through the eTerp system.

TO RENEW/RECLASSIFY A CONTINGENT II POSITION 6-8 weeks prior to the expiration of a C2 contract, you must submit a new contract to UHR.  The new contract must include any updates to the initial contract agreement.  For a Renewal/Reclassification within the same department, the position number will remain the same.

TO ABOLISH A CONTINGENT 2 POSITION the Contingent II position will automatically abolish at the end of the contract date if there is no contract renewal submitted to UHR.


The Office of the Provost creates and maintains the Faculty Position records within Position Management. An individual position number is required for all tenured, tenure-track and non-tenured continuing faculty positions. To establish new or change existing faculty position records, start the action in the eTerp system.


Pooled Position Numbers are utilized for faculty in the following Category Status codes:

  • 03, Faculty NT, Term, Regular (Lecturer Titles only)
  • 37, Faculty NT, Non-Regular
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