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Pay Adjustments Module

The Time and Leave Adjustments module of PHR handles the recording and processing of time, leave and premium adjustments, after a pay period has been closed and locked. This module can only be used to record changes that should have been recorded during a previous pay period. Employees or supervisors who need to make adjustments to previous time sheets should notify their PHR Unit Creator to make the adjustment. PHR Unit Approvers must approve all time, leave, and premium adjustments.

Adjustments to time, leave and premiums that are processed via the Time and Leave Adjustments module will be reflected in the employee’s leave balance at the beginning of the pay period immediately following the pay period in which the adjustment was approved. If the Time Entry adjustment would require a corresponding Pay Adjustment, the PHR system will automatically calculate and prepare the pay adjustment prior to the release of the Time Entry adjustment.

Adjustments to time, leave and premiums do not alter the original time sheet that was locked at the close of the pay period. The original time sheet is retained for audit purposes. To process an adjustment the Unit Creator selects the pay period against which the adjustment should be made, then selects the employee record to be adjusted. The time sheet that is viewed and can be adjusted by the Unit Creator is identical in appearance and functionality to the actual time sheet. The actual screen that is displayed is driven by the employment category of the employee whose information is being adjusted – salaried nonexempt, salaried exempt (duty day) or hourly. After the desired changes have been inserted or updated, the actual adjustment is displayed in an adjustments summary area. There is a separate adjustment summary area for Week 1 and Week 2 of the pay period. For nonexempt or hourly employees time slices can be added as needed.

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