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Time Entry Module

The Time Entry Module of PHR handles time entry and leave management for the following employment types: regular exempt, regular nonexempt, Contingent 2, Contingent 1, hourly students, hourly faculty and officers. All faculty (excluding category 25 contractual) will use the PHR Faculty Leave Reporting System.

Electronic time entry is not available for graduate assistants, trainees nor NRA fellows. Business Rules and Guidelines, developed by Personnel Services, highlight the major provisions of the policies pertaining to time and attendance, leave, and wage and salary administration for staff employees.

There are two options for collecting time: web-based screens or departmental card swipe systems. PHR does not provide a generic card swipe option; however upon approval of a plan by the Comptroller, departments may transmit time entry and leave data from their card swipe systems via electronic data feeds. Departments using the card swipe feed option must adhere to card swipe guidelines and submission rules, and are responsible for programming data feeds and edit checks. All time entry data that is stored in PHR is considered the system of record, regardless of whether or not the employee’s time is kept in a departmental card swipe system.

Electronic time records are classified into three groups, based on employment category: (1) time in/time out with leave (non-exempt), (2) time in/time out without leave (hourly), and (3) duty day with leave (Exempt & Faculty). Employees holding multiple positions will complete a time sheet for each position. Type 1 will be used by salaried nonexempt employees and will include time in/out slices, meal break minutes, paid leave (annual, sick, holiday, etc.), unpaid leave, and premiums. Type 2 will be used by hourly employees and will include time in/out slices and premiums. Type 3 will be used by salaried exempt employees and will include duty days, paid leave, and unpaid leave.

Time reporting follows the University of Maryland biweekly pay period. A pay period commences at midnight on a Saturday and runs for 14 consecutive days until midnight Saturday, two weeks later. For salaried employees, at midnight on the close of the pay period, time entry collection stops for that pay period, and the data is locked. For hourly employees, at midnight on the first Tuesday after the close of the pay period, time entry collections stops for that pay period, and the data is locked. Employees are required to complete their time sheets by the close of the pay period. Supervisors are required to approve an employee’s time sheet. Note: Hourly employees will not be paid unless their time sheets are approved by their supervisor.

Employees with PHR time entry are presented with a comprehensive record of their time entry activity. Time sheets can be accessed for past, current and future pay periods. In addition employees can link to a Leave Balance Summary screen that projects leave balances through the current pay period as well as provides a summary by pay period of annual, sick, personal and holiday leave activity. A separate link to the Pay Period Summary screen summarizes the following by pay period: Indicator that time record was signed off by the employee, indicator that time record was approved by the supervisor, total days/hours worked (as appropriate based on appointment type), total paid leave and total unpaid leave. The Appointment Information Summary screen displays appointment to position information about the appointment associated with the selected time entry record. An Outside Consulting Screen is available for exempt employees.

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