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Employee Demographic

If employee demographic information is already displayed, this information has been extracted from the campus Universal Person System (UPS).

Information displaying from UPS indicates that the employee has had some kind of affiliation with the university at an earlier time. Therefore, this information may be outdated. Verify ALL “Employee Demographic” Information that is displayed on the page and make corrections as necessary. If no information is displayed, enter all employee information.  ALL required information is preceded by an “*”.


  1. SSN (No Dashes) or enter an * to generate a temporary SSN
  2. Name
  3. Date of birth
  4. Hispanic Origin & Racial identity are both optional fields
  5. Gender
  6. The “VISA” status in PHR always defaults to “Citizen of the US” with a “Citizenship County” of “US”. If the employee is not a US citizen then the creator selects the appropriate Visa status and country from the dropdown menus. Once the demographic information is saved, a new “Visa Information” page will become available and you will be required to enter additional visa information such as I-9 expiration date, last country of residence, and arrival date in the US.
  7. Enter the employee’s “Check Distribution” location. This is usually the employee’s employing department and it is the location where his/her paper paycheck will be sent from the campus Payroll Services unit.

The remaining employee demographic information is optional for student employees but may be necessary for all other employees. This includes:

  1. A drop down menu for the employee’s current “Military Status”
  2. Whether the employee is “Active Military”
  3. The employee’s “Highest Education Level”. If you select something other than High School an additional “Education Information” page will require more detailed education information once the demographic record is saved.
  4.  “Published Personal Address” and  “Optional Title” for the printed university phone directory
  5. Indicate whether the employee has “Transferred from another Board of Regent Institution”. This is necessary so the State of Maryland Central Payroll Bureau will not terminate health benefits if the employee is transferring between campuses.
  6. Indicate whether the employee has already “Retired from State Service” so the PHR system will know not to offer a retirement selection option once the employee is appointed to their position.

Click “Save” and you are automatically taken to the next required demographic page, “Address and Phone”. If there were any errors in the employee demographic data, the system would return an error message explaining the error condition. Simply correct the error and click “Save”. This error feature is available on every page in the PHR system.

Also, notice at the top of this page the new employee’s UID has been system generated and this new UID will now appear on each subsequent PHR page.

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