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Viewing Applicants – Changing Statuses

The following User Roles have access to view the applicants and their associated documents:

  • Hiring Official
  • Search Chair/Designee
  • Search Committee Members
  • Equity Administrators
  • Guest Users (issued the Guest User Login)

As applicants are reviewed/interviewed their statuses should be changed to reflect at  what point in the search process they were eliminated from consideration.  Only the Search Chair/Designee, Equity Administrator, and Hiring Official to change applicant statuses.

Accessing the Posting

  • Log into eTerp at
  • Navigate if necessary to Applicant Tracking and verify your user role
  • Click Postings and select the applicable Posting Type
  • Locate the posting and click the Functional Title to access the posting

Viewing Applicants and Their Documents

You can review more than on applicant at a time.  You may choose to view all the documents for an applicant, specific applicant documents for a group of applicants, or all applicant documents for a group of applicants.

  • From the Posting Summary select the Applicants tab, a listing of all Active applicants will be displayed.
  • Viewing Applicants One at a Time
    • The applicants Last Name provides a link to the individual applicant and their documents.  Click the Last Name and then select Preview Application (or scroll to the bottom of the page to access the resume, cv, etc.)
    • Navigate down the page to the Required Documents
    • Click the document you wish to view, a PDF will open up in a new window
    • To exit the PDF close the window
  • Viewing Multiple Applicants
    • On the Applicants tab, check the boxes next to the applicants name that you wish to view
    • Click the Actions menu to open up the drop down box.  Under Bulk, select Download Application as PDF.  A dialog box opens
    • Select which documents you want to view and then select Submit.  A PDF will open containing all the documents you requested for the selected applicants
    • To exit the PDF click the back button

Changing Applicant Statuses One at a Time

  • On the Applicants tab click the applicants Last Name
  • Select Take Action on Job Application to display the applicant statuses
  • Select the applicant status that best describes the applicants status and click Submit (you maybe prompted to select a reason as well).  A message will appear at the top of the screen indicating the application was successfully transitioned
  • From the top of the page select Applicant Review to return to the Applicants tab

Changing Applicant Statuses in Bulk

  • From the Applicants tab place a check in the box next the applicants Last Name
  • Click the Actions menu to display the drop down box
  • Under Bulk select Move in Workflow (the Editing Workflow States page will open)
  • Click the dropdown box to display the applicant statuses
  • Select the workflow state that best describes the applicants status and click Submit
  • A message will appear at the top of the screen stating the applicants are transitioning
  • From the top of the page select Applicant Review to return to the Applicants tab
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