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Overlapping Appointments

Salaried records that are displayed in red on the “Payments by Appointment Within Unit”- All Employees page are those appointments that are active in the PHR system but have overlapping start and/or appointment end dates.

Usually the employee has been reappointed to a new unit, or title, and the previous appointment has not been terminated. This usually results in the employee not receiving pay for the oldest appointment. This may be detrimental to the employee if they were re-appointed in the middle of the pay period and the employee is due a prorated payment from both appointments.

pay calculator info
  • Access “PHR Pay Calculation”- Payments by Appointment Within UnitAll Employees
  • Locate any employee that has a UID, Internal ID, and pay amounts appearing in red.
  • Access PHR “Employee & Appointment” to determine if the employee has more than one appointment.
  • Determine if the appointments’ start dates and termination dates are consecutive.
  • Make changes to your unit’s appointment if necessary or Contact PHR Customer Service for assistance with the other unit’s appointment.

*PHR Pay Calculation will refresh overnight to reflect your changes in PHR “Employee & Appointment”

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